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Managing Quality Deer Through Harvest Management

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By Rick Taylor, Wildlife Biologist/Associate Broker

While reading a Texas hunting magazine recently, I couldn’t help but notice how many Ranches and Outfitters advertised deer management programs while peddling their trophy white-tailed deer hunts.  Unfortunately, some of the “trophy management” applications that many hunting operations, as [...]

Managing Feral Hogs in Texas

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The feral hog, Russian boar, Razorback, Rooter, or whatever you prefer to call it, is a topic of campfire banter and heated debate throughout Texas and much of the U.S.  From the boardroom to the bunkroom, no other creature stirs the emotions of so many people.  Sportsmen, ranchers, biologists, ecologists, and even developers have wide and [...]

Quarantined at the Ranch

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Hunting season has passed. The leaves have erupted, the grass is growing fast, the lawnmower is tuned, and as usual, the weed eater does not work; a sure sign that spring has arrived.  In the back of my house, in the sunroom of a converted carport, I sit each morning with the rising sun watching the deer at the feeder and the newly arrived [...]

The Bobwhite Quail: Prince of the Pasture

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If the white-tailed deer is considered the king of the pasture, surely the bobwhite quail can be labeled the prince.  The mottled brown quail, with its distinctive black and white striped head, can be found throughout most of Texas. Yet, many sportsmen and landowners throughout the state have been asking what’s happening to this popular [...]

Aging Deer In The Field

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Many times, an overly excited hunter has bagged what he considered a trophy, only to be sorely disappointed when he walks upon his beloved buck.  “I thought he was bigger than that,” he laments.  The problem was he looked at the antlers and not the deer’s body or compared the [...]

West & Swope Ranches Welcomes Broker Associate and Wildlife Consultant Richard B. “Rick” Taylor!

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Richard B. “Rick” Taylor is a Certified Wildlife Biologist with over 30 years of experience in natural resource management. A range and wildlife graduate of Texas A& I University (Texas A& M Kingsville), he worked as a senior staff biologist for Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for 27 years. During his tenure, he provided technical [...]

28-36 of 42 Posts

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